The Best Businesses in Your Area

The Best Businesses in Your Area

Find the Number One Company in Every Niche and Area.


Shining the Spotlight on Excellence

Only Number One is the most trusted source for the best companies in every niche and area. We have a rigorous selection process that takes many factors into account, including the company's track record of success, the quality of its products or services, and the strength of its team.

We are committed to identifying and recognizing the extraordinary accomplishments of companies, regardless of their size, industry, or location. That's why we're the only awards program that offers a category specifically for small businesses.

The Awards for Business are designed to shine the spotlight on the unique strengths, achievements, and efforts of companies and their team members. We believe that these companies are setting the standard for excellence in their industries, and we're proud to celebrate their success.

We are committed to identifying and recognizing the extraordinary accomplishments of companies, regardless of their size, industry, or location. That's why we're the only awards program that offers a category specifically for small businesses.

The Awards for Business are designed to shine the spotlight on the unique strengths, achievements, and efforts of companies and their team members. We believe that these companies are setting the standard for excellence in their industries, and we're proud to celebrate their success.


By Industry

By Area

How We Find the Best of the Best



The first step in our selection process is nominations. We invite businesses from all over the world to nominate themselves or be nominated by others.



Once we have received all of the nominations, our team of experts reviews each one carefully. We look at a variety of factors, including the company's track record of success, the quality of its products or services, the strength of its team, and its commitment to excellence.



After the review process is complete, our team selects the finalists for each category. The finalists are then invited to submit additional information, such as case studies and testimonials.



A panel of independent judges then reviews the finalists' submissions. The judges are experts in their respective fields and are responsible for selecting the winners.


Celebrating Excellence

The winners are celebrated in a variety of ways. We believe that our rigorous selection process ensures that the winners of the Awards for Business are truly the best of the best. We are proud to celebrate the accomplishments of these companies and to shine a spotlight on their excellence

We have perfected our process over the years by carefully reviewing nominations, selecting finalists, and inviting them to submit additional information. A panel of independent judges then reviews the finalists' submissions and selects the winners. Our rigorous selection process has been proven to identify the best of the best in their respective industries. We are proud to celebrate the accomplishments of these companies and to shine a spotlight on their excellence.

Award Categories

We select winners in three different categories—organization, product and individual, to celebrate excellence in all its forms.

We select winners in three different categories—organization, product

and individual, to celebrate excellence in all its forms.



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